Saturday, June 1, 2019

Welcome to my page! 

Obviously if you have pets, especially cats, you know that they can get into just about anything, especially your houseplants! If your cat is like mine, then they love to play with them and chew on them and use them as additional toys. So it's a natural reaction to be concerned if it's safe for your pet to do, especially since there are so many toxic ones our there! But don't worry! There are plenty of cat friendly options that won't harm your feline friend and will be a great addition to any home or apartment! And if those plants aren't right for you, there are other options to deter your kitty from ingesting what could be a harmful plant. 

Below is a start of a number of cat friendly houseplants that would make a great addition to any home. If you're looking for additional suggestions, visit

Image result for cat friendly plants

Welcome to my page!  Obviously if you have pets, especially cats, you know that they can get into just about anything, especially yo...